What Can You Do Today as a Contribution to Make the World a Better Place? Choose an Oracle Card!
What can I do today as a contribution to make the world a better place?
“Thank and express your appreciation for all those things that others help you with.”
Our beautiful planet is a very large place and therefore there are several things we can do to make our environment more pleasant. Regardless of our contribution, we will make it a more pleasant and loving place.
However, it can sometimes be a little overwhelming because you don’t know what to do. There are ways to help you that you never imagined.
When you feel optimistic but don’t know where to start, remember these tips.
Choose between cards 1, 2, or 3 and then find your advice.
If you chose the Card no 1
What you can do is give a smile or a kind gesture to a stranger who is sad or sick. It may seem so small, so simple, so useless. And yes, it is, and this is the grace of compassionate love.
Reaching the light for someone who is going through a difficult time is a great contribution. Because changing from sad to happy in a moment changes our whole day and its day. Be the person who succeeds, illuminates the other’s day with love.
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If you chose the Card no 2
The contribution you can make is not to work with anger and frustration, because many times you discharge yourself with others and this only generates anger and sadness around you.
If you want to help make the world a better place, you need to be aware of when you do it. Do you scream at your children, at your partner, at a stranger when you get angry?
Do you let the anger break free without noticing who falls on that energy? You have to keep an eye on when it happens, and also learn to channel those energies in a healthy way for us and our environment.
If you chose the Card no 3
A great contribution we can make to making our environment a better place is silence. Many times we say something without the intention of hurting, but we harm the other.
Or we think without knowing, or when we say something inappropriately it creates a tangle, which we never wanted.
That is why it is important to keep silent, to observe, and therefore to speak. So that only the essential things come out of our mouth so that we don’t have to repent or apologize.
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