Choose a Symbol to Receive a Message Of Peace & Spiritual Comfort For Your Life
Do you need a few words of peace and spiritual comfort? Choose a symbol and receive them!
For thousands of years, humans have used symbols to communicate deep values, ideas, and concepts. The symbols do not require words, but they say a lot.
Symbols are not only powerful ways to communicate, they are also extremely personal.
You may be drawn to a certain symbol because it speaks to something deep within you, something that defies easy explanation.
The right symbol can reinforce your beliefs, offer you strength in difficult times, or remind you to seek calm and peace.
Choose the symbol that you think gives you the most peace, the one that most arouses good feelings in you.
Your choice reserves a message of peace and spiritual comfort for your life. If your chosen sign was…
1.- The tree of life
“Be selective in your battles. Being at peace is often better than being right”
You are a person who likes to discuss, show your point of view, and, in some cases, confront people who express opinions contrary to yours. Although this characterizes you as a strong personality, who does not accept everything that is imposed on you, at times it can cost you peace and hurt you a lot.
Be very careful about the battles you choose to face. Often the advantage of victory doesn’t make up for all the emotional stress of the fight, and at the end of the day, having a good head to rest is much better than 5 minutes of glory over someone else.
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2.- Mandala
“If it costs you peace, it’s too expensive”
Think about your current reality. Is there a situation or relationship that you feel takes away your peace completely, but you insist on maintaining it for the most diverse reasons? Perhaps the best thing you can do is rethink your priorities.
Everything that costs your peace is too expensive. You deserve a reality that you can enjoy, not just tolerate. Get rid of everything that makes your life unhappy and stagnant. It may hurt now, but in the future, it will open doors to your true happiness. You deserve!
3.- The flower of life
“True peace comes from the understanding that everything passes.”
Nothing in this life is forever, everything has an end, good things, and bad things, and only when we understand this can we live true peace, because we accept that some things are out of our control and we need to enjoy everything before it ends.
Don’t get attached to the bad things you face or get used to the good times to the point of settling down. Understand the phases of life and learn to flow with them, so you can find the peace you are looking for.
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