What Are You Lacking in Your Life Right Now? Your Favorite Cat Will Reveal It
“ There is a part of every living being that wants to become itself, the tadpole into a frog, the chrysalis into a butterfly, a damaged human being into a complete one. That’s spirituality. “~ Ellen Bass
Many of us are driven by inner restlessness and yearnings. A sense that something is missing in life even though it’s hard to know what it is.
We have the belief (although we are not aware of it) that when we have a better relationship, a more satisfying job, more money, the next vacation, a better body or a number of other things, we will feel satisfied. . May our life feel more complete.
However, even when we have a new relationship, more money or whatever, we still feel like there must be more. So what are we really looking for? What are we looking for?
At the center of this search is the need to know who we are and why we are here. What is this journey that we call life about?
This feeling that something is missing is often an invitation to be more aware of our essence and who we are beyond the surface level of our life. This biting feeling that something is missing in life is a sign that we have a spiritual longing that we may not even realize.
It is an invitation from our soul to align our life with our core essence. The Universe, divine, intelligence, God, higher power, or whatever you call it “it” is setting off an alarm that may be saying, “You are a spiritual being having a human experience.” When we don’t know how to live as spiritual beings, it’s no wonder that something feels missing.
Our team has prepared a test for you today but please remember that our messages should never be a substitute for your own good judgment and common sense. In fact, that applies to most things in life, if your instinct tells you that it is not right, always listen to your inner self.
Observe the 4 kittens and choose the first one that catches your attention the most. Next, read the result of your choice:
First Cat
You don’t rest well. You work so hard that you simply forgot about weekends, vacations, and the pleasure of sleeping. You need to normalize your schedule to find time for yourself and finally rest.
Times of sleep and rest are essential to finding happiness. Stress and fatigue can cause serious long-term health problems.
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Second Cat
You don’t receive enough attention. In fact, you want to spend more time with the people around you, but for some reason or another (sometimes pride), you don’t ask or call.
It is essential that a person like you knows that other people appreciate and respect them for who they are.
If you are waiting for someone to find you with whom you have been talking a lot or who knows you a lot, do not hesitate to call. After all, what you need is love and you must seek it …
Third Cat
What you certainly lack is romance. Yes, the truth is that you often dreamed of a passionate relationship and a romantic candlelight dinner.
You always showed that you are very affectionate, that you love kisses and hugs. Do not be ashamed of your feelings, they are part of you and sometimes indicate the most precious …
Fourth Cat
You don’t have enough adventure. You are really ready to dive into the mysterious world of travel. You like the extreme, so you won’t mind getting on a parachute or riding an ATV.
The options are as wide as your imagination.
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