What’s Inside Your Fortune Cookie? Receive the Advice it Has For You
There are situations in life that we don’t understand what’s going on and we need clues from those who know more than we do. And sometimes just, you want to look to the future in order to make the right decision.
Since ancient times, women have used the magical power of homemade baking. In the East, housewives baked special fortune cookies to find out what awaited them. This magical fortune-telling will help you shed light on what excites you. You can also ask if a cherished desire will come true.
So … “Choose a number at random and open a cookie.
1. You are a prisoner of your own walls. Only self-doubt separates you from making your dream come true.
2. Stop and look around – so you will find the answer that you have been looking for.
3. You shouldn’t rush. Soon everything will manifest itself. Be grateful.
4. You completely forgot about yourself in your concern for others. Correct the situation urgently, then everything will go like clockwork.
5. You too listen to the opinions of others. Throw away everything you’ve been told and go where your soul leads you.
6. Everything will come true. You will be pleasantly surprised by how everything is resolved.
7. You roam the maze of your own fears. However, the exit is where the entrance is. Trust in the power of the universe.
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8. The wind of change blows your sails. Use every opportunity.
9.You are used to solving everything alone, but there is a person nearby who will be happy to help you if you contact.
10. Knock on those doors that your heart tells you and will open for you because they are waiting for you there.
11. You have just a little bit left to the cherished goal. Now it is worth giving all the best.
12. An unexpected meeting will change your destiny. Are you ready?
13. New opportunities are knocking at your door. Be prepared to use them wisely.
14. Sometimes, when all the rats escape from the ship, it stops sinking. Soon a miracle will enter your life.
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15. Now is the time to wait. Let the seeds germinate.
16. What you see as a dead-end is actually a door to a new life.
17 A heart that has experienced so much pain deserves the best.
18. Within you is a child who needs a little warmth and care. Pamper your inner child and it will return to you with success in life.
19. Take a break from problems, focus on happiness.
20. Happiness is just around the corner. Just relax and be prepared to receive it.
21. Good luck is with you. Give a try to your big idea.
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