What Message Did Cupid Bring You? Fortune Telling – Choose A Card
Today we will read the messages that Cupid brought you. To do this, you need to relax, carefully look at the cards and make a choice.
There will be a piece of advice at the end of the article. Which card do you choose?
Card 1. Finance and career
Your love life is too much affected by financial problems.
The connection between money and love has existed in the minds of people at all times, and this card encourages you to pay special attention to this aspect. The angels of love want to free you from the pressure of financial and career problems so that you can get maximum pleasure in all areas of life, including romantic relationships.
While work can be a source of heartfelt satisfaction, it needs to be balanced with other aspects of love, such as romance, play, and laughter. You turned up this card because a certain dose of such frivolous behavior will benefit you. There will be a tip at the end of the article.
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Card 2. Let go and Learn
By letting go and healing the past, you gain more love in the present.
The angels of love know how you dream of great love, and they send you this card as a guide. They know that your heart is capable of giving and receiving the bliss of love, breaking free from the web of the past. Angels know that you have been hurt before, so you are afraid of being hurt again. However, your defensiveness creates barriers that prevent new love from entering your life.
Once you heal your past, you stop re-creating it over and over again. Now you are attracting situations and people into your life who remind you of what you have already experienced, because it is your main healing tool. There will be a tip at the end of the article.
Card 3. Attraction
By fully enjoying the moment, you are attracting romantic love.
Like a good friend, the angels of love send you this card to tell you the truth: it is better to use attraction than strenuous effort to increase the amount of love in your life.
The power of your attraction is at its peak when you allow yourself to enjoy your present to your fullest. In this moment, your joyous laughter, self-expression and body language are just wonderful, while the stresses that you go through struggling to find love make you go against the stream. Overstrain is generated by fear due to the realization of the possibility of not getting what you want. This fear, in turn, attracts what you fear. Stress causes wrinkles, physical fatigue, a choked voice, and so on.
Therefore, go to inhale the scent of roses and enjoy their scent. Do your best to take care of yourself and follow your inner voice. Your irresistible charm will set in motion the law of attraction and attract romantic love to you.
- Remember that work is just a part of your life, not your whole life. Make time for companionship and romance. Call on your heavenly assistants to help you improve your mood and energy levels, improve your finances, career and anything that can bring you peace of mind.
- If you want to improve your love relationship, then you need to neutralize the resentment of the previous anger, condemnation, unwillingness to forgive that remains in your soul. But first, you must forgive yourself.
- Allow yourself small pleasures that bring great joy. Repeat out loud as often as possible that you have everything you need to love and that you are loved. Imagine a vivid picture of a romantic relationship with a wonderful partner.
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