The Position in Which a Couple Sleeps Says a Lot About the Relationship
According to cognition, language and psychology experts, the position in which couples sleep speaks a lot about the moment they are going through, because despite the change in body language, in general, the position can be an emotional window for the situation that the couple lives in that moment.
1. From behind but close

Couples who usually sleep in this position reflect the fact that they respect their individual space, however, without losing touch. They are dynamic, they lead life independently, but their relationship is stable and healthy. According to experts, this position reflects the trust between the couple without needing a presence in the presence of the other.
2. From behind and far away
This position is a warning that something is not right in the relationship. It is necessary to keep the distance and the desire to have greater freedom in the life of both. The lack of contact between the bodies, which are in opposite directions, may indicate that there has been a strong argument or that one of the two is seeking complete independence.
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3. Looking at each other without touching
Sleeping in this position is a sign of the search for intimacy and the existence of the desire to be close to the partner. Each one knows how to respect the other’s intimate moments, but has a connection that prevents them from distancing themselves. But in general, this type of couple takes on daily routines and problems more easily.
4. Hugging each other
Experts agree that this position is a sign of desire and a very strong passion. It is very common when the relationship begins and usually occurs when both sleep after a moment of intimacy. This intertwining may reveal sexual desire, but, according to experts, it is possible that the couple getting used to this position may present situations of jealousy.
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5. Spoon
According to experts, the person embracing in this position tends to guide and protect the partner. This, in turn, feels more comfortable and safe next to the partner and it is possible that when you are not embraced during sleep you feel unprotected.
It is a position that reflects the perfect harmony between the couple. However, on some occasions, it could also indicate the existence of some insecurity in the relationship.
6. Deep Sleep and Cuddle up
Body language experts say this position reflects commitment, love, and affection between the couple. In general, it reflects that things are going very well and the sex life is excellent. They also say that sleeping with the head on the partner’s shoulder is an indication that the person feels very safe with his partner.
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