The 7 Signs that Indicate that You Have Met an Angel. Here’s How to Recognize it:
They love to disguise themselves, in everyday reality, among human beings. But why do they do it? To answer this we must take a few steps back.
What is an Angel?
Angels are celestial entities, which descend from a completely different Creation from ours. Although many believe that an angel can be an enlightened and reincarnated man, their origin is usually different. Hence, we are unable to understand these magnificent beings.
Why do angels contact us?
Usually, they deliver us a message when we need it most. This message comes from the divine source.
Why do we speak of guardian angel?
Because everyone has a guardian angel. This Angel is always there to protect you and advise you all the time. You can see it in many disguises while it is trying to communicate with you.
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Below, we show you the 7 signs you met is an angel:
1. It makes you feel alive
You feel trapped in dark feelings and thoughts of despair. You may go through a mild phase of depression or even worse. You feel like you’re walking on a dead-end street.
Suddenly, a stranger asks you for directions. You turn your head and try to help him and something in the way he smiles and says thank you, makes you feel different. It makes you feel alive.
Angels don’t have to do anything in particular to help you. Their presence is also sufficient to influence your feelings and breathe the air of freedom and happiness.
2. Awakening
You have just finished working, a very tiring day. You are exhausted.
But it may be that something strange happened yesterday taking the car to go home. Something different. There was a lady in front of you. Suddenly, he looks at you.
It’s a strange feeling. The splendor of innocence in his eyes influences you. So if this person you met managed to awaken a part of you by simply smiling at you, you should probably consider this possibility. Angels have the ability to make us perceive our divine origin. They remind us of our purpose in life.
3. Activation of all senses
You exit the wrecked gym, you are stressed about your job, but on your way home, you see a beggar on the streets. Search for your pockets and give them some coins. At that point, your senses are activated.
Angels activate all our senses. They know the human body and they also know that to get in touch with this world we have to rediscover what makes us human. To hear, to smell, to taste, all our senses have improved. They are not superpowers, but it is something more.
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4. You feel young
You may feel old for a long time because you only focused on boring tasks and household chores that made you forget everything else.
Looking for what you wanted may bring you a little more than usual. So you asked for help.
Angels make us feel like children. Open to all types of adventures. Get fun, inspiration and satisfaction from nothing. It’s exactly how we were when we were younger! Being young is not only a biological status but also a mental state.
5. Confessions
A tragic event has happened in recent months. But you still can’t get over it. Someone you knew is dead. However, a few weeks before his death, you quarreled with him. There are still bad feelings for this person deep in your heart. Anger for him, anger for yourself.
Unfortunately, you cannot get rid of this grudge of yours. This will make you feel guilty about his death. There is nothing you can do.
You feel such a horrible person. A customer enters your shop and buys something that the person who has died prefers. Suddenly you want to talk about all this. This stranger seems interested in your story. You open up to him.
Angels are the last confessors. They have the ability to help us discover what we hold in our hearts. Is it pain? Is it anger? Your Angel will be there to listen to our problems, helping us to get him out of our systems. This is the first step.
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6. Healing
Your body is bothered by a medical condition for several months or even years. You have visited many doctors but have not yet freed yourself from this problematic situation.
One night, you accidentally heard a stranger talking on the phone. Something he says seems like a great idea for your problem. It somehow inspires you. “Why haven’t I thought about it all this time?” Now you know what to do.
Angels are the great healers. Their presence promotes physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual health. Every problem we face gives us the opportunity to understand something bigger. Once understood, we free ourselves. We heal.
7. Acceptance
You are gay and all your life you try to hide it. Ever since you were a young person you have been bullied because of your origins. You really tried to change your sexuality, but you failed.
You asked the priests for advice. They tried to convince you it’s a shame. Since then, you have been trying so hard to hide from others.
One day someone makes you delay from returning home. He is a young man asking for directions. Later, as you walk, you see a couple of young people walking together, holding hands. They kiss and greet each other. It seems natural. True. Angels can manipulate time and space. They can bring what they want you to see. Also, the presence of an angel makes you accept 100% of yourself. Angels don’t judge you.
They are patient enough to show you the right way over and over again. They will help you fully accept yourself and others. Love is the key to divine power.
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