Choose the Card You Like Best and Read the Advice it Has in Store For You!
A tip from the cards for you!
If you have chosen:
Card n.1
This week you won’t be able to do much to change the situation, besides, you shouldn’t do anything, everything is happening exactly as it should. Relax and watch the water flow so that everything ends up in place at the end of the week.
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Card n.2
When the other card asks you to flow, it asks you for total inactivity, it is time to silence all the voices, opinions, situations. A pause that allows you to hear your true voice, your inner self knows the answer, but only in silence can you hear.
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Card n.3
Let yourself be dazzled by a facade of good manners and morals. What you have exalted in your eyes, not what they seem to be, whether in a relationship, work, belief; not only are you amazing but also provide them with the weapons to manipulate. It’s time to rethink what you expect from your idols, partners, superiors …
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