Choose One of the Cards Intuitively and Get an Advice to Overcome Your Fears
You want everything to change, but you cling to what you have because it’s the only way you feel safe. It’s time to try what you’ve put off for so long, fearing failure!
Spend a few minutes in silence to relax and make your choice! Who is the master of your life? Is it you or your fear ?! So, choose one of the cards intuitively and get your advice!
Card no. 1
This card says about the ability to think about past misfortunes, losses, and pains, without focusing on them! This is a great time for an emotional transformation into a person who faces all the challenges of fate well!
You can get rid of your past emotional load now! This burden should not accompany you for life! This is especially true if you are trying to isolate yourself now to protect your heart from the pain that has been caused in the past!
Repeat: my heart is open and free from past pains.
What didn’t bring me down made me stronger? Now I am ready for more love and intimacy.
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Card no. 2
You are probably going through the rebirth process. Recent events and insecurity may have had an almost heartbreaking effect, and you literally had to “hibernate” because you simply didn’t understand what to do next.
But this period of your life will end this week. Your lust for life will return with the level of trust. Don’t worry about why this is happening right now.
You don’t need to understand all of this to get permission to enjoy life! This is a fantastic week for creativity and playfulness and also for an appointment or a party!
Repeat: I love my life and I am grateful for the return of my thirst for life.
Card no. 3
This card indicates the struggle between your individual self and that part of you that knows that you are divinely perfect and perfectly loved. You can be creatively blocked and / or feel harassed because of doubts about you.
All these negative feelings get worse because you continue to compare yourself with others and do not recognize your innate perfection.
Stop comparing yourself to others! Let joy and passion guide you. Your inner child knows the way, even if you forget …
Repeat: I am perfect, being myself and I spread light in this world.
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