Your Favorite Umbrella Will Reveal New Traits of Your True Character
So you leave your house in the morning encircled by sunlight and warmth and happiness. Then, later in the day, the sky turns gray, it starts raining and you need to buy a new umbrella. Our entire personalities are defined by colors so the choice of our umbrellas may reveal interesting facts about us.
Take a closer look. If it’s difficult to decide right away, discard those options that you definitely don’t like. From the rest, choose the umbrella that you like best.
Have you made your choice? Read the description for your favorite umbrella.
Umbrella number 1.
You are a stylish and businesslike girl, you love classics in clothes and order in business. You always have everything laid out on the shelves: in the closet, in your head, and in life. You are very rational, with an analytical mindset – you click any tasks like seeds.
It is sometimes difficult for men to be with you – you seem too smart and independent to them. Often include a flirt in yourself and learn to ask men for help, they will appreciate it.
Umbrella number 2.
You adore new items: from dresses from the new collection to the most modern gadgets. You know how to dress in an original way and choose stylish accessories, you have great taste! And men too.
There is always a companion near you, as stylish and interesting as you are. You are a very creative person, you know how to inspire and ignite others with your ideas. You will definitely never be left alone.
Umbrella number 3.
You almost never strive to be the center of attention, completely opening up only to the closest people. At the same time, you are very practical, you know how to mix different styles in clothes, creating ideal images.
With men, you also keep your distance, often looking like an impregnable fortress in front of them. But the one who dares to conquer you will receive one of the best women as a reward! Just try to be a little open with others at least sometimes.
Umbrella number 4.
You are not very interested in fashion and everything related to it: you are more of a conservative. This applies not only to clothing or technology but also to relationships.
With men, you will never allow yourself sex on the first date, preferring a serious relationship leading to marriage. At the same time, in the family, you provide a reliable rear, tender care, and home comfort.
Umbrella number 5.
You are a real little sun, always cheerful and cheerful. You know how to charge everyone around with optimism. In clothes, you prefer bright colors and flirty styles.
Love to flirt, men flock to you like moths to the light. You always have a lot of fans, so sometimes it’s difficult for you to choose who to turn your attention to. Do not be sprayed and do not try to twirl several gentlemen at once – it is better to choose one, the most worthy one, to build a serious relationship.
Umbrella number 6.
You love to learn everything new and engage in self-development. Constantly go to different courses, while you almost always finish what you started. You are considered a very interesting and self-sufficient person – it shows up in your clothes and in your relationships.
Men are never bored with you, you always keep them in good shape. There can be only the same person next to you who is constantly developing and has many interests. With others, you quickly get bored and walk away without regret.
Have you read about your umbrella? Like it, if it matches, and share the article with your friends – let them test yourself. Write in the comments, what umbrella number did you like?
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