Who Do You Think Is The Smartest? Your Answer Will Reveal Your Priority In Life
The way you analyze situations says a lot about your personality. After all, each one sees and judges the world through his own gaze, which may not be the same as others.
Therefore, we propose a situation to analyze in this test: These four women are in a bar, talking about various topics.
Which do you think is the smartest?
Analyze everything you think is necessary for their figures and poses, and give an answer. It will tell you what you prioritize in life.
1. Yourself
If you chose this woman, you yourself are your priority. You are a very confident person, although sometimes that can lead you to be a bit capricious.
But you know what you want when you want it, and you are willing to get it.
You can be very generous, and an amazing partner, as long as you get on well with the other person. You don’t like to give in, for a very simple reason: you prioritize feeling good.
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2. Your inner being
If you chose woman number two, it is because you believe that true intelligence goes inside, and not because you are showing it. That is why your priority is to strengthen your inner being, your spirit, and your mind.
You may be an introvert, who likes the tranquility of your own home more than going out to bars and clubs.
Sometimes, you lack the character to express your opinions: you prefer to let others speak, and not argue even if you think they are wrong.
You are someone very appreciated by everyone, but sometimes you feel that nobody really knows you.
3. What do you show
If you chose the third woman, it is because you prioritize the image you project on other people.
Not necessarily the physical image. In general, you always want to be in control of what others think of you.
Unfortunately, that’s impossible, and sometimes you end up overly stressed. You feel freer when you are with your true friends, the only ones with whom you can show yourself as the person you truly are.
4. Your ideas
If you chose the last silhouette, it is because you are a person who has very clear ideas, and hardly ever changes them.
For you, ideas and values are the most important thing, have firm convictions and live according to them.
Sometimes you can become a bit intolerant of those who don’t think like you. That alienates you from some people, although it doesn’t matter much to you: you prefer to surround yourself with those with whom you understand.
The problem is that you become too structured and do not allow new things to happen in your life.
Do you feel identified with the option you have chosen?
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