What Kind of Man Will Appear in Your Life? Select a Card and Get an Answer
Today we have a special alignment, as you will find out what kind of man will break into your life and bring changes into it that you may have dreamed of and thought about, well, when will this happen!? … or maybe this man will bring you important and valuable experience and you will get to know yourself better in communicating with him, or maybe this will be the possibility of such love, which many only dreams of.
Tarot answer – card 1
This person has been watching you for a long time, it may be someone from a past life. He is a leader by nature, not a dictator, but wants a meeting with a woman in front of whom he will show his intellect, passion, and character, who remained unfulfilled and almost lost, someone you knew well but you did not have a relationship or they were not long.
He remembered this time spent in your company and now he has a goal to get closer to you, a great desire has awakened in him to be glad and, apparently, it can be great love or romantic meetings, depending on what boundaries you yourself set for relationships. The card indicates that this person may pursue the goal of cementing an alliance and may gradually begin to persuade you to make this decision, after some time of courtship, a candy bouquet period, and romantic meetings, then it all depends on your choice.
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Tarot answer – card 2
this meeting should be very interesting and intriguing because, for all his openness, this man has many secrets about which almost no one knows, he can become very useful for you and no matter how it sounds, from communicating with him you will get your benefits and advantages.
With him, you will learn a lot of new things, from feelings to lifestyle, but he has something to share with you and something to tell you about. He yearned for female affection and attention, and you can have a mutual exchange of courtesies and if you like him, you can give him what he was deprived of for a long time, female warmth and family hearth.
He is straightforward enough and has no secret intentions, he is an open and benevolent person with a sound outlook on life. With him you will not get bored, so you can quite expect some crazy actions, romantic meetings, and vivid emotions.
Tarot answer – card 3
This man is an interesting personality, with an unusual character, he has many character traits that are valuable for a woman, he is purposeful, caring, strives for a serious relationship, he is not interested in small things and stupidity, he was quite successful, both financially and how personality.
He wants to get to know an interesting woman for further romantic and more serious relationships, if you yourself want it, he will not rush off the bat, but will gradually court and show signs of attention, the person is moderately patient, perseverance is his strong point and if you will supportive, he will strive to build strong relationships.
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