What Kind of Lightworker Are You, Indigo, Crystal or Rainbow? Which One Describes You Best?
Many people believe that there has been a wave of individuals being born in order to change the old ‘Iron’ and industrial way of life to more ‘enlightened’ and spiritual.
You’ve probably heard about ‘Indigo Children’ and ‘Lightworkers’ across the internet. Lightworkers are just a consequence the ways of the modern world have brought to the human psyche.
A Lightworker is a person who can sense that there’s a lot of healing to be done on a large scale to the world. The modern ways of life are disharmonious and harmful to ourselves and Nature, which we are all a part of.
This results in a subconscious awareness that something needs to be done, especially in people who are born into modern society.
Just like there are popular terms in the science community addressing these new generations as ‘generation X, ‘generation y’ and ‘generation Z, there are terms in the spiritual movement addressing these generations as ‘Indigo Children’, ‘Crystal Children’, and ‘Rainbow Children’.
What kind of Lightworker are you? What aspect has the most traits that describe you?
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Indigo Children:
Born between the 1960s and the 1990s;
Rebellious and warrior in spirit;
Despises the system;
Loves to isolate;
Fond to addictions;
Crystal Children:
Born between the 1980s and 2000s;
Strong and pure-hearted;
Highly developed imagination and creativity;
Extremely empathetic and emotional;
Passionate about supernatural phenomena and superheroes;
Rainbow Children:
Born after the new millennium;
Positive and happy;
Technologically advanced and easy in understanding new gadgets;
Loving and hard to contain;
Loves animals, Nature, and possibly vegan;
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This is what these labels mean:
Indigo Children
Indigo children are born between the 1960s and the 1990s really similar to the baby boomers of generation x.
They are rebellious and unable to conform to dysfunctional situations at home, work, or school. They are warriors in spirit.
They want to rage against the corrupted system that governs society and this trait projected itself into the art, the music, the movies, the movements, and the lifestyle of their youth.
They experimented with psychedelic substances, they forced their mind to be opened.
All of this resulted in the creation of new businesses and inventions that changed the future forever, like the internet.
Crystal Children
Crystal children are most likely to be the children of people from generation x. They are born around the 1990s and 2000s slightly differing from generation y which addresses people born between the 1980s and 2000s.
They are intuitive, spiritually aware, and passionate about supernatural subjects. They have highly developed imagination and creativity. They understand things easily, they are extremely empathetic and very easygoing.
They are born in a transition time, in a period where humanity made its biggest leap with technological advancement which affected all areas of society.
They grew up in times without the internet and times when you cannot imagine how you lived without the internet. This transition happened in only 10 years period, which is a REALLY small amount of time for such great change. This affected their way of seeing the world. It’s like they were forced to raise their consciousness at an accelerated rate.
But that’s ok because they are strong enough, like crystals. They always see the world with pure eyes, which additionally adds to their ‘crystal children’ description.
Because of their imagination, purity of heart, and strength, they are attracted to the superhero phenomena. Their art, music, movies, businesses, even their lifestyles are inspired and driven by various superheroes they idolized while they were growing up.
Rainbow Children
Rainbow children are the newest generation of people, or generation z, born after the new millennium.
They are modern and more technologically advanced than generation x and y because they are raised in a period where humans are more connected than at any time in the known human history. They had almost all of the information in the world available to them while they were growing up, only by pushing few buttons.
These kids are happy and positive. They are like a breath of fresh air. They are bringing happiness and joy to the whole world through various inventions, platforms, and mediums that generation x has developed and generation y perfected.
Their light and positivity make them freer than any generation in modern history. They love traveling, they hate being tied up to one person and they cannot stand the old conformist ways. It feels like a prison to them. Think of them like light; they give warmth, life and cannot be captured. Their whole being is pure and that’s why most of these kids are vegan.
The greatest difference between these 3 generations is this:
The Indigos are here to destroy what’s not working and pave the way for a better world.
The crystal children are the ones who need to create, develop and build the new ways uniting the best from the old and the new.
The rainbow children are here to give life and fertilize the new and improved world that’s in harmony with Nature and human potential.
All of these 3 spiritual archetypes need to work together so there will be a real change to the way humanity further develops.
However, it doesn’t mean that if you are an indigo you cannot be a crystal or a rainbow child. You can evolve through all of these 3 archetypes depending on your environment, understanding, and purpose. And a lot of people do.
These are simply 3 different aspects of one larger program called being a ‘Lightworker’ which works to heal the world.
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This spiritual revolution is a consequence of the collective human psyche. To understand this you must understand how we are all connected.
You must grasp the fact that EVERYTHING connects to everything else, even our thoughts.