What Does Your Soul Really Need? Choose a Magic Symbol to Find out!
Symbols are powerful magic tools! They have a direct connection to our unconscious and become more powerful through that contact. Whenever a symbol is used, it receives more power.
Above are 6 extremely powerful magic symbols, used for centuries. All these symbols are related to invisible forces. Choose the one you like best and then see the message:
1. Eye of Horus
The eye of Horus is a symbol that rises in ancient Egypt, it represents the power and protection related to the god Horus. This symbol is a personification of Divine Omnipresence, it conveys the message that God is always looking at each one of us and that everything we do returns to us, at one time or another, just like karma preaches.
Therefore, if you have chosen this symbol, it is because you need protection. You can count on the help of the forces of Light, ask them to accompany you at all times.
You can also constantly perform energetic cleansing rites and develop the habit of meditation with intention, to improve your life. Also, you should do a spiritual cleanse, and learning to have the habit of meditation is power against evil.
2. Labyrinth
Mazes have a very powerful meaning. They were created to protect what’s central. With all their winding curves and paths, they make the impostors freeze forever. The Minoan people performed rituals in the mazes, where they danced until they felt centered and connected with the divine.
If the labyrinth has been the symbol that has drawn your attention, you have been lost lately and you need to find the center of being, where your true nature resides, the spiritual center, and the true connection to God.
To help with this mission, cut out all the excessive habits of your lifestyle, only then will you have the time and internal resources to find your inner peace.
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3. Trident
The Trident is a symbol that is generally used to represent the patriarch.
It is the symbol of Lord Siva of Hinduism and Poseidon, the Greek god. The three points symbolize its three eyes and the central border represents the third. As for the symbol, it assumes another meaning for some religions, it is actually synonymous with abundance, blessings, and liberation from fears. So, if you have chosen the Trident, you must divert your fears and assert your spiritual mastery.
You can do it through your speeches and actions, show that fear does not scare you and that you are protected.
4. Beetle
This is an Egyptian symbol representing the resurrection. Cockroaches are considered “live” symbols and therefore you can constantly ask them for vitality, rebirth, and better health for the people you love or for yourself.
If you have chosen the beetle as your symbol, you need to get in touch with the wisdom of your ancestors and learn to take care of yourself. You can do this by finding ways to feed energy and well-being.
These measures can be taken in food and sleep, but don’t forget to take care of your relationships too, as they reflect a large part of your quality of life.
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5. Uroboros
Uroboros is a strong and attractive symbol. It was confused with dark arts during the Middle Ages. However, its meaning is much more harmless.
Similar to the Eye of Horus, it reminds us of karma, the concept of action and reaction. Choosing this symbol means that you need to analyze your karma and make changes so that your life can actually grow from current stagnation. Things don’t change because you don’t want to change. You have to work hard in your desires.
To accomplish this transformation, analyze the ineffective things you are repeating in your life and cut these behaviors down. Replace them with enlightened and useful actions for your trip.
6. Triskelion
Triskelion is a symbol made up of three legs. It is an embodiment of the creative power of the Sun, which helps us grow. The three legs create a force that can help us create the reality we really want for our life.
If you have chosen this symbol, you need help to break the limiting habits that you now have in your physical life so that you can ascend to what you want to become and manifest.
To help with this mission, contact the solar forces. They will help you to give off exciting energy, which will increase your vibration. Nature is also a strong ally, spending time reflecting in a natural landscape.
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