This Test Will Tell You About Your Psychological State And Difficulties In The Current Period
Almost all people tend to draw scribbles in moments of thought or anxiety. Try right now to take a pen or pencil and draw something aimlessly on a piece of paper for a while.
Do you think these are just messy lines? But no! They can tell us a lot about our current state and personality traits. Compare your drawing with the suggested fragments and choose the most similar. This will be about you.
If you don’t have a pencil at hand right now, just pick one scribble that grabs your attention.
1. Criss-cross
If you are constantly drawing such scribbles, it means that you have two equal goals or needs. Maybe you are attracted to two different professions, in one of which you have realized, but the second is still attractive or is your hobby.
Either you are now at a crossroads since you have two options for further life arrangement, but each has approximately the same number of pros and cons. The main thing is that these two directions (whatever they concern) are equally important to you. What to do?
Of course, try to find an opportunity to implement both, or find a reasonable compromise. The constant internal struggle is exhausting. Give yourself time to “ripen” the solution by setting a precise date when you will return to this topic.
2. Wavy spiral
You are currently working for the future. Your actions are aimed at expanding the current project or social contacts. However, you are worried about some kind of unfinished relationship or events in which there is no point.
You want to fix or complete something in order to fully devote yourself to current affairs and goals. Therefore, it is necessary to draw conclusions and understand what experience to take in the future. Answer yourself to the questions:
“Why was this in my life? What did it teach me? ” “What can I do differently in the future?” Correct the mistakes, but do not expect the assessment to be corrected, because the journal has been archived long ago. Say “thank you” to fate for the science and live on, keep going forward, taking into account the experience gained.
3. Lattice
Now you are solving difficult problems. You perceive what happened with tension and responsibility, which affects your physical and emotional state. Nevertheless, any test is an opportunity to become stronger, gain new resources, set new goals.
Life difficulties indicate that we have not worked out ourselves to the end. This means that you should get back on the beaten track: understand what you personally need to take, what opportunities you have, what and whom you can rely on.
Yes, now you see a grate in front of you. But imagine that this is a window, and behind it is the whole world. And it is in your power to remove the bars from the window. You have the strength and the means for this.
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4. Curls
You are a creative and creative person, you have great potential and a unique view of the world. You have a lot of ideas and a desire to implement them, but you cannot yet prioritize and choose the most important and paramount.
Well, for a creator, this state is quite typical. To begin with, try to include logic and figure out in which area you have more opportunities and resources. With that and start. Muses, of course, are capricious ladies, but they also love to be paid close attention to.
Describe in detail what results you would like to get today: a new product, fame, or money? Then it will become clear to you in which direction to move. If you have a loved one who is authoritative for you, consult with him. But make the decision yourself.
5. Circles
At the present time, you are disappointed with something, perhaps you are angry and everything and everyone seems to be against you. This feeling of life tension is associated with some unpleasant, current events or the collapse of hopes.
But, if we experience these feelings, then perhaps we have met with real reality. True, the forces spent on experiences need to be restored. Do this. Talk to someone you trust completely. If not, describe what happened as a letter to a friend or a story.
Remember what helped you restore your mental strength. It takes resources to go further. Rate them. Perhaps you forgot about something because of the overwhelmed emotions. Any crisis means new opportunities. While they may not be visible to you, but believe that they are. And over time, you will definitely see them.
6. Blocks
You may be in the process of finding your identity. Now you feel that the old world is changing and you are trying to hold on to it. You also make efforts to create a new life, make plans, and worry that the past will not be able to correlate with the future.
You are supporting and cementing the past and the future, but this is only a temporary solution to the problem. In fact, you have a lot of building material, and it is quite strong and of high quality. You just need to understand what kind of stable structure you can build from it.
Evaluate all the blocks (areas of life, abilities, successes, connections, achievements), take into account all the resources, find helpers, draw up an action plan. And the new sustainable building will be ready. Rethink your life, your actions, and their results. You will see new possibilities.
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7. Concentric spiral
Most likely, you strive to find harmony and balance in your life. Each person wants to achieve a state of harmony, but this process is complex and endless. You want everything to be perfect, but it doesn’t work that way.
Don’t be too hard on yourself and others. Accept life as it is: with gifts and losses, meetings and partings, with joys and sorrows. And first of all, accept yourself, with all your advantages and disadvantages.
Rely on the advantages, and try to compensate for the disadvantages. Each person is unique and inimitable. Everyone should fully live their own life. If now you do not understand where and what you are striving for, take a break and just live, catch wonderful moments, and appreciate the small gifts of fate.
8. Vertical curve
You are living in an oscillation tunnel that you have created yourself. On the one hand, you go to your goals, and on the other, you experience ups and downs. It seems to you that everything is the same, all hopes and undertakings are frozen in time and do not bring the long-awaited result.
However, be patient and learn to relax. It takes more time for your desires to come true. Stop and see in dynamics what is happening to you and your life. You’re happy? Is there anything worth changing or adding?
Praise yourself for endurance and small victories, rest and revise your life plan again, taking into account all your needs.
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