The Shape of the Fingers Reflects the Intimate Aspects of People
It seems that much more is written on our fingers than we think. If the length of the little finger describes love and the lines on the palms of the hands generally speak of our life, happiness, and love, get ready for something more: the shape of the fingers reveals your character.
It may seem ridiculous, but surprisingly true.
Form A
You tend to hide your feelings and behave melancholy. You often pretend to be strong and likable, and more independent of who you really are. Basically, you are a very emotional person. Feel good about the people you meet.
You are a righteous person who hates lies, hypocrisy, and deception. You’re a little eccentric and arrogant. You can’t stand many things. You have a big heart and you want to help. Complete each activity even if you don’t want to.
You really want to laugh and do it even when something is not very fun for you. All your thoughts can be seen through your expressions. You are cold with people you are not very close to, but rather emotional with those you are with.
Form B
You are not used to taking the initiative to bring people together. You are very loyal. As soon as you fall in love with someone, you will give them your full attention and always think of them.
In practice, you are very sensitive, but you don’t seem like you, because you often protect someone’s feelings by pretending you don’t know anything. You are afraid of being hurt, so pretend it’s nice for you to be alone, but in reality, you are not.
You look like a strong and independent person who always speaks clearly even if you have a tender heart and can be easily hurt from the inside. You want to imagine different things. You always dream of someone who understands you and loves you and gives you everything you want.
Recommended: Choose the Tree That Attracts Your Attention to Reveal Your Dominant Personality Trait
Form C
You are easily moved. You easily surrender to the things that anger you. You don’t want challenges and you don’t want to do something you don’t know. Respect the opinions of others. Sometimes you can be assertive.
Your ego is very big when you argue, but then you are the first to apologize. Always keep your feelings and problems to yourself. You don’t want to be frustrated if you can’t get the tone right, so invest in a good garment.
You want people to trust you and trust you. You have a tender heart and you can easily get hurt, so as soon as someone apologizes, forgive immediately because you can’t stand arguing with someone for too long.
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