Past Karma Test: What Keeps You From Being Happy?
Have you heard of the law of karma?
There is an opinion that past life affects the present and the future, but we will try to explain what it is.
We have all heard of this great Law of Cause and Effect, which says: “What you sow, you will reap!”. It is said that without knowing this law thoroughly, one cannot understand “Dharma” or advance on the spiritual path.
The functioning of the law of karma is very complex and difficult to understand. Karma is the Sanskrit word for action. It is equivalent to Newton’s law of “every action must have a reaction”.
When we think, speak, or act, we initiate a force that will react accordingly. This returning force can be transformed, modified, or suspended, but most people will not be able to eradicate it.
This law of cause and effect is not a punishment but is only for the good of education or learning of our Being. A person cannot escape the consequences of his actions but will suffer only if he himself has created the conditions ripe for their suffering.
Ignorance of the law is not an excuse if the laws are artificial or universal. Action is never wasted, although it can take a long time from its creation to its resulting effect, a single action is never lost.
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Sometimes, a few lives may be needed to perform the karmic results of substantial action. Therefore, we must continue to generate positive actions without worrying about the results.
Good karma is the door to enlightenment, every soul has a purpose. After this extensive introduction, we encourage you to take this test and find out what prevents you from getting what you want.
Clock no. 1: The Oath
If you chose this watch, in a past life you were inclined to make promises that you didn’t keep.
Therefore, in this life you often have difficulties with money or the ability to build relationships.
To correct karma, you must learn to keep your word.
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Clock no. 2: Love
The watch you have chosen is a symbol of love.
You have had very strong feelings for a person in a past life.
In this life you continue to live with this weight, fearing to trust someone.
You can be happy if you accept the fact that there is no perfect person.
Clock no. 3: Health
In a past life you were a doctor, or perhaps a healer or shaman. In short, you helped the people who needed you.
In this life you keep doing it, but people often use your kindness to challenge you.
To be happy, you need to get rid of guilt and learn to say “no” to people.
Only through constant execution of good Karma through positive intentions and actions can we finally achieve self-fulfillment and inner peace.
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