The Egyptian Symbol You Would Tattoo Reveals What You Should Change About Your Life
The truth that these Egyptian symbols will reveal to you may leave you speechless! Try this test of character and discover what is hidden in your unconscious.
If you were asked what kind of personality do you have, would you know how to describe your qualities and your flaws? Certainly many aspects remain unconscious and that is why if we want to investigate the unconscious a test is very useful.
The use of some specific symbols such as the Egyptian ones that we will now show you can bring to light hidden aspects.
Which Egyptian symbol do you choose?
Drawing 1
You have great love in your heart, but you can’t always prove it.
Reconnect with your loved ones and reveal how you feel clearly, you will be appreciated and will be reciprocated.
Drawing 2
The symbol advises you to reunite with your family or to let it be part of your life in a more incisive way. You could get help and support, like the foundations of a building.
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Drawing 3
This symbol reveals that perhaps you are accumulating too much negativity that comes from people next to you. You should keep them away or learn to shield yourself from negativity, don’t lose your optimism.
Drawing 4
You have to find your desire to experience new situations and the confidence in the future that you had when you were younger. Think back to your projects with the same optimism, you will see that you will defeat anxiety and become more active.
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Drawing 5
The symbol reveals that you have a lot of anxiety that grips you, to get rid of it you have to reconnect with your more childish side makes you feel confident in yourself. Relax and visualize your dreams in every aspect, you will see that they will come true.
Drawing 6
You must trust your instincts and follow what your heart indicates. You are very emotional and empathetic and inside you know what is right to choose to feel good. Avoid people who judge you and don’t give you the warmth you seek.
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