Receive a Message From The Spirit Guides to Prepare You For the New Week
Enjoy this magical and fun way to see what the spirit has to say to you. If you are also attracted to a second card, that would represent an underlying energy movement that works in your field as well.
Choose the card that you like the most. Then scroll down to see what they have to tell you.
Spirit Guide Letter no.1 – Health
Your body is your temple and you are responsible for its care.
You have chosen to incarnate in this physical dimension to learn certain lessons and if you are not maintaining the physical vehicle that your soul has chosen then you are sabotaging your own plan.
Your health is vital to the progress of your soul and you should never take it for granted. Be sensible about nutrition and exercise. This card can also signify a desire to help other beings through physical or emotional healing work.
You can get professionally involved in the medical, bodywork, or psychiatry and counseling fields or maybe just be a good listener who has wise advice to give. If you or someone you know inherited a congenital disease, past life work may be of some benefit.
Affirmation: “I will honor the physical vessel that consecrates my soul and nurtures me along with my journey.”
Spirit Guide Letter no.2 – Peace
This is a loving reminder that balance in mind is essential for your life, you must learn the value of peace and quiet and the joy of being peaceful. One can never be truly connected to Source when the mind is engaged in unnecessary talk.
Observe your life and be aware of the elements that take you away from the peaceful nature of your soul. Who or what is interrupting this loneliness?
It is time to reconcile the hurts of the past and the perceived injustices. Your peace can also be fostered by changing your external view.
Create harmony around you physically with order and calm. Trust the voice of your higher Self to create an environment where you can truly be in tune with your soul.
Affirmation: “I am a being of love and I release all negative energy.”
Spirit Guide Letter no.3 – Adversity
Nobody said that life was going to be easy. Obstacles are presented to you so that you can overcome them. Believe that you will, because if you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will. Confidence comes to those who have managed to overcome adversity, and then the next hurdle will not seem so daunting.
Adversity is an opportunity for you to reach out to your soul family. You are not alone in this challenging time. If you need help, others are waiting to offer you help.
Affirmation: “I accept that challenges are the best way to learn.”
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The underlying energy for the next 7 days:
Earth can be a difficult place, but you have been given a tool to help you navigate the murky waters: your intuition. You must learn to tell the difference between speaking of the ego and speaking of the soul and then trusting your soul.
Once you get into the habit of following your intuition, you will come to practice that insight externally. You will be able to know if a person or situation is trustworthy. But it all starts with listening to your inner voice.
Exercise is like a muscle, and when you determine that it is always okay, that wisdom will spread and influence everything you do. Decisions will seem easier. Your soul only wants the best for you, and you must learn to trust it.
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