Read Your Guiding Message From Osho by Choosing a Zen Card
Zen philosophy teaches us that truth is not related to authority or the past. Truth is a personal embodiment, you have to access it for yourself without letting conventions push you.
Reading Osho’s card teaches us that if we keep our spirit of adventure, we will advance in life as children. Look at the cards and choose one.
So, scroll down and receive wise advice.
1.- BEYOND ILLUSION: Spiritual Growth
This is the only distinction between dream and reality: reality allows you to doubt, and the dream does not allow you to doubt… The ability to doubt is one of humanity’s greatest blessings.
Religions fell because they cut the very roots of doubt, and there is a reason why they did it: because they want people to believe in certain illusions they preached …
Why did people like Gautama the Buddha insist so much that all existence – except your observing self, except your consciousness – is simply ephemeral, made of the same stuff dreams are made of?
They aren’t saying these trees aren’t here. They are not saying that these pillars are not there. Do not misinterpret it because of the use of the word “illusion” … It has been translated as an illusion, but the illusion is not the correct word, illusion does not exist.
There is a reality. Maya is precisely in the middle: it almost exists. When it comes to daily activities, it can be taken for granted. Only in the last sensation, at the height of your enlightenment, does it become unreal.
Zen Avice
The butterfly in this card represents the outside, what is in constant motion, what is not real but an illusion.
Behind the butterfly is the face of consciousness looking inward, towards what is eternal.
The space between the two eyes has opened, revealing the lotus of spiritual development and the rising sun of consciousness. Through the rising of the inner sun, meditation is born.
Paper reminds us not to seek the real outside, but to look within. When we focus on the outside, we often get caught up in judgments that can keep us stuck in illusions, in our numbness, in our old habits and norms. Leave the opinionated mind and go inside. There you can relax into your deepest truth, where the difference between dreams and reality is already known.
Recommended: Choose a Zen Card and Find Out Which Chakra You Will Need to Work On
2.- TRAVEL: Live is a journey
Life is a continuity always and always. There is no final destination. It is always a “go-to”. Simply the pilgrimage, simply the journey itself is life, without reaching a certain point, without a destination; just dancing and being on a pilgrimage, moving happily, without worrying about fate.
What will you do when you arrive at your destination? Nobody asked because everyone tries to have a destiny in life. However, the implications… if you really get to the destination of life, then what?
Then you will feel very perplexed, there is nowhere to go … you have reached the final destination and in the journey, you have lost everything. You had to lose everything.
So, by getting naked at the final destination, you will look around like an idiot – what was the reason? You were working so hard you were worrying so much and this is the result.
Zen Advice
The small figure that moves along the street, along this beautiful landscape, is not worried about the goal. He or she knows that the journey is the goal, the pilgrimage itself is the sacred place. Each step along the way is important in itself. When this card appears in a reading, it indicates a time of movement and change.
It can be a physical movement, from one place to another, or an inner movement from one way of being to another. But in any case, this card promises that the move will be easy and will bring a sense of adventure and growth; you don’t have to fight or plan too much.
The “traveling” card also reminds us to accept and embrace the new in the same way we do when we travel to another country with a different culture and a different environment than we are used to.
3.- POSSIBILITY: Dream Big
The mind can accept limits everywhere. But the reality is that, by its very nature, existence cannot have limits, because it will exist beyond limits? Yet another heaven.
This is why I say there are skies above skies available for your flight. Don’t settle easily.
Those who are easily satisfied remain small: small their joys, small their ecstasies, small their silences, small their being. But it is not necessary!
This smallness is your imposition on your freedom, on your unlimited possibilities, on your unlimited potential.
Zen Advice
The eagle has a perspective of all the possibilities contained in the landscape below, flying freely, naturally and effortlessly, across the sky. It is in your domain, fantastic and autonomous.
This card indicates that you are at the point where a world of possibilities opens up for you. Because you have become more loving to yourself, more self-contained, you can easily work with others.
Because you are more relaxed and comfortable, you can recognize possibilities when they present themselves to you, sometimes even before others can see them. Because you are in tune with your nature, you can understand that existence is providing you with exactly what you need.
Enjoy the flight! And celebrate all the variety of wonders of the landscape that unfolds before you.
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