Do You Want To Know More About Your Past Life? Choose a Clock to Find Out
This test gives you an insight into your psyche, which may be deeply buried and you are not even aware of some attitudes, but also reveals what you were in a past life and how it affected what you are today.
What difficulties did you struggle with? How have these experiences affected your life today?
If you have chosen CLOCK number 1: Limiting Beliefs
If you have chosen clock number one, it is very likely that there are many things about which you have limiting beliefs related to the vows you made in a previous life. It may mean that you were a clergyman in a past life, or you were in a religious community.
Probably some of the vows you take from a past life have involved self-denial, so now you’re struggling with a lack of money and abundance, and you may also have problems with emotional issues.
It is also possible that in this life you may be overeating, you may be overly involved in sexual activities because you feel as if you have been so deprived of pleasures in a past life.
By simply recognizing these vows and acknowledging that they are no longer valid in the present life, you can get rid of them and the flow of energy will open up in areas where you encounter obstacles.
If you have chosen CLOCK number 2: UNRETURNED LOVE
If you are attracted to this clock, it is very likely that you are still strongly connected to the life in which you experienced unrequited love.
If you cannot maintain a healthy relationship in this life, it is possible that you have a strong belief from a past life that you are not worthy of love or that you are never noticed by those you love.
Sometimes because of this, we manifest relationships with others who do not respect us or do not treat us well. Many times we are forced to live without the desired relationship because we have beliefs that are rooted in a past life.
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If you have selected SAT number 3: FINANCIAL RESTRICTIONS
This card says you were a shaman in a past life. Also, everyone who sees this map must be aware that there are great financial limitations in this life. In a past life, you were a shaman in your tribe, and it took care of you – it would bring all kinds of necessities as a sign of gratitude.
However, in this life, you may have financial difficulties because you choose the path of a healer who is not appreciated or well paid. People may want the services you offer but are not willing to pay for your time or education.
This card reminds you that those days when the village took care of you are gone and now you have to adjust to today’s trading system. It is okay to charge for your time and education, but you deserve compensation so that you can live without suffering from poverty or deprivation.
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