Choose The Image You Resonate With To Find Out What Your Unresolved Karma Is
There are certain areas in the life of each of us where challenges always arise. It is very possible that it is karma from a past life that the soul has decided to complete in this life.
Choose an image to resonate with to find out what your unresolved karmic challenge is!
1. Separation from unhealthy relationships
In a past life, you spent most of your time alone, isolated, and feeling abandoned by others. This is why you nurture your relationships and you will do anything to prevent the breakup of any relationship.
Sometimes you can see only the good in a person or see his potential and it is hard for you to let go of that idea when the relationship becomes out of balance and unfortunately, sometimes toxic.
When this happens to you, you fight for a relationship longer than necessary or healthy. This is because of your fear of being alone or not having the approval of others.
Learning how to recognize red flags and warning signs will save you pain and disappointment.
The challenge can be in any or all of your relationships; in a relationship with family, friends, in a romantic and/or business relationship.
2. Self-doubt and sabotage of yourself and your goals
You have experienced many difficult situations in a past life, and reckless decisions have brought you unfortunate results.
Your decisions have put you and others at risk, financially and physically. These mistakes have caused you to disbelieve in yourself and this has persisted in this incarnation as well.
There are several ways to work on this problem such as; taking the time to think carefully about your decisions, documenting all the successful and wise decisions and actions you have made in the recent past.
Another suggestion is not to ask too much of other people’s opinions and advice. If you look for too much guidance outside of yourself, it will cause even more confusion.
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Simple Techniques for Maintaining Good Karma and Living a Happy Life.
3. Distrust of others
In a previous life, you were a victim of deception and dishonesty many times. This has caused you to keep your distance and sometimes you don’t know who to trust. In this life, you will attract people who will test your faith and trust in them.
The key is to pay attention to your intuition and trust people when they show you exactly who they are.
The signs are always there, maybe not at the beginning, but they always exist. It’s always best to take the time to get closer to people while building relationships with them.
After about 3 months, you know exactly their integrity, and then you can make your decision about whether they are worthy to be in your inner or outer circle, whether they deserve to be your friends or just acquaintances.
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source: Atma