Choose a Sun To Receive a Message of Hope
The iconic tradition of depicting the Sun with rays and with a human face developed in the Western tradition in the high medieval period and became widespread in the Renaissance, harking back to the Sun god (Sol/Helios). Each specific drawing represented an Angelic guide or radiant energy.
Which of these 3 ancient sun depictions will you choose?
Sun no. 1
Sometimes you tend to get overwhelmed with despair. Defeat hurts, not reaching a goal annihilates you. Then you give up, you almost don’t believe it anymore.
But the truth is that dreams can always come true, we must never stop fighting to make them come true. Falling means getting up and getting up implies falling.
You have been feeling powerless lately, but it is time to awaken the fighting spirit that resides in you. Get involved, question yourself. Compare yourself with your limits, and do it without limiting them. Every occasion is useful to grow and experiment.
Your strength of mind has always distinguished you from the rest of the world, and you can do it even now.
Don’t give up. A bright future awaits you.
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Sun no. 2
Evolution and transformation. If it were appropriate to describe this particular period of your life in just two words, I would describe it using these two words. You are a new person. A splendid butterfly that finally manages to fly high and paint the sky with the summer color of its majestic wings.
You have thrown the chrysalis forever, the metamorphosis has taken place. Lots of people have helped you evolve lately. Your soul feels differently, your consciousness thinks differently.
These special people suddenly appeared in your life, like ghosts of past life, and they really left an indelible mark on you. You have found your true essence. Now you know what you want.
Proceed on your way, exactly the one you are traveling on. It will take you far, where you have always dreamed of arriving. Little is missing!
Sun no.3
Often you are not considered creative by most, but in truth every day you create your reality through thoughts, feelings, beliefs, intentions, and actions. You like to test yourself, even when it would be better to avoid doing it.
Your passions are Prometheus’ fire, they keep you alive. Your intelligence favors your inspirational thinking and acts as an intuitive guide. You know how to express your individuality.
At the moment you are so aligned with the Universe that you may be able to perform miracles. But maybe the miracle is YOU. You like to enjoy the little things, and let yourself be lulled by life itself. You are literally starting to make your existence a work of art.
You continually and positively perfect yourself, and soon you will begin to experience only beautiful and meaningful things. Get ready, because big surprises await you!
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