Choose a Silhouette of an Old Person and Discover How You Relate to the Future
Are you one of those who yearn for the future, or one of those who lock themselves in their past?
How do you relate to the future and the uncertain? This visual test will tell you.
You just have to look at the image and intuitively say which character you identify with.
Try to focus on the sensations that each silhouette, and stick with the one you feel most comfortable with: the silhouette that is most familiar to you.
Your answer will tell you how you prepare and what you expect from the future.
What old person do you identify with? Find the answer below.
1. Optimistic
If you felt identified with the first silhouette, it is because you are an optimistic person, and with those eyes, you look towards the future. You have confidence that life is always forward, and although sometimes you miss things from your past, you do not let yourself be depressed.
You are always looking for new opportunities, which you never miss. In addition, you see everything as an opportunity to improve your reality and your person. You like to think that the best has not yet arrived, and it is not difficult for you to recover from the hardest moments.
2. Realistic
If you chose the second silhouette, it is because you are a person who lives in the moment. You don’t look too far forward or too far back, because you understand that it only exists today.
When you make plans for the future, you focus on what you have, on your possibilities, so what will come does not scare you: you know what to expect.
The downside is that you are not too open to the new: you prefer the security of the known. Your cool mind and your ability to analyze reality help you advance and excel, but always within certain limits.
You need to break down your internal barriers and encourage yourself to more.
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3. Dreamer
If you chose the third silhouette, it is because you are a true dreamer. You have many expectations for the future, but many end up being unreal: they only exist in your head.
However, your ability to project and dream big allows you to go much further than most think. You’re the epitome of that famous Les Brown phrase “aim for the moon; if you miss, at least you’ll be among the stars.”
You live on the moon, but you are always part of the stars. Do not let the bad energy of the world take away your dreams, it is your best weapon to face the world.
4. Melancholic
If you chose the last silhouette, it is because you look at the future with fear, and you are usually very tied to your past. You have a hard time looking forward with emotion: you feel like the best is over.
The truth is that thanks to this you are missing out on many wonderful things that could happen to you if you gave it the opportunity. It is true that the most beautiful moments that we have lived are in our past, but … Why do you think that moments just as singular cannot come?
Your challenge is to start looking at what awaits you with more optimism. You will see that when you change your way of facing the future, thousands of good things will begin to happen.
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