Your Spiritual Master Brings You a Message About These Times Of Emotional Turbulence
The old mystical axiom that says: “When the student is prepared the teacher seems” becomes true as long as the soul of the seeker is sincere and is ready for transformation.
In our tradition, the spiritual master or spiritual advisor is called “guru”; Sanskrit word that means gu = darkness, and ru = someone who takes us out of it.
The spiritual master will tell us the truth even if it hurts and will also act as a mirror to show us our own darkness, but above all, he will engage us in transcendental activities in loving service to God; the source from which everything flows.
The teacher shows us the path to simplicity and to clear our mental imputations; to de-identify ourselves from the character we have built and find our true “self”.
The Tarot of the Ascended Masters today brings us a message about these times of emotional turbulence.
Choose between options 1, 2, or 3. Then discover the message it brings to you.
If you chose option # 1:
White Eagle (White Eagle) is a spiritual Master who comes to remind you of the sense of community in which we live, and for this, he asks you to respect your brother, your fellow man.
Through this respect, goodness will come to your heart and you will be able to relate to the other through your light, which is true Love.
Advice: If you feel sad, listless, or listless, many times without the strength to live, close your eyes and look at your heart, visualize that eternal flame that lives in you. Ask the Father to show you that light, with Faith, to help you remember that you are a being of light.
You can do it before sleeping, in meditation, when driving, walking, at any time. That light will illuminate your life and that of those around you. Always remember that we are all One.
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If you chose option # 2:
Isis is a Spiritual Master who comes to give you comfort from the pains you have felt and wants to take you to the true path of your soul, helping you to dry your tears and transmitting eternity to you.
Advice: Do not forget that pain, pain, suffering, have a purpose, and it is to learn new experiences. If you find it difficult to understand the concept that your soul came to learn the human experience, close your eyes and ask Isis to cover you with her golden wings and to give you comfort, to help you understand the why of certain situations in your life.
She is there to help you, you can do it at any time. Do it in faith and you will see that you will receive answers. Everything has a purpose.
If you chose option # 3:
Mother Mary comes to remind us that we are infinitely loved. That if you feel sad, with bitterness in your heart, alone or alone, if you feel that life is not worth it, do not forget that she always hugs you, just as a loving mother does, and that she is always there, taking care of you.
Advice: In moments of sadness and distress, close your eyes and visualize how this beautiful Master hugs and comforts you.
She reminds you that you are loved and loved in every moment of your life, that the Father has never forgotten you, that you feel his embrace and rest in his Love.
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