Your Favorite Peacock Feather Will Reveal a Hidden Trait That Leads You To Happiness
Most personality tests work so effectively precisely because they are very simple. The task is just to choose one of the pictures on offer. At the same time, in order to truly access the information stored in the unconscious, it is essential to turn off the logical brain. You can do this in two ways, either by relying on the first impulse or by relaxing yourself and thus paying attention to your inner sounds, your intuition. Try both.
Which of the four do you choose?
This is what the peacock feather A reveals about you
If you chose this feather, you can be really grateful because something is sure to happen or has already happened to you that you can feel grateful for. Give yourself a few minutes, even now, and feel grateful for all that surrounds you that you have already accomplished and achieved or received from life. It could be your love, your health, your friends, your spiritual journey, or even your financial situation.
When you really focus on what you do, no matter how difficult it may seem, you still achieve your goal. And when you have achieved and achieved what you so desire, stop at all times, be grateful, and enjoy the moment of success. The most important thing for your happiness, the feeling of satisfaction, is not only to know the task but also to feel the experience, to rejoice heartily in success. Because you deserve it.
This is what the peacock feather B says about you
Once you’ve chosen the second image, it’s time to finally move out and take the most important steps toward your goal. Whether you’re planning a well-deserved vacation already, or you’re just thinking about a new job opportunity, or you might be selling your home, on the one hand, you will need a huge need for your faith on the other hand, and on the other hand, you will have to do it to make it happen.
You are at the best time possible to start focusing on all your courage and energy towards success and happiness. Change is positive, take the task seriously, and accomplish what you really want.
Choose Your Path and Find Out What Your Best Qualities Are
This is what the peacock feather C reveals about you
If you have chosen the third peacock feather, you are reading your angel’s message. Remember, the angel is always there with you, helping and supporting you, for whatever reason, get stuck in your spiritual path. You won’t be stronger and healthier either if you don’t take note of the pain or anything that fills you with sadness.
Now it would be even more important to take time for yourself, relaxation, rest, meditation. Embrace the power and energy of healing love and light and allow the repressed feelings to surface. Be it pain or anger, experience it, feel it, then let go and heal your soul, your body. Let the feelings flow through you, then let go, you don’t need them anymore. Trust and let go, healing will not be missed.
This is what the peacock feather D says about you
If you chose the fourth peacock feather, you certainly have an artist born with you, you have a unique imagination and sensitivity. Unfortunately, however, you can’t always use your visualization skills properly, which is why you’re trying to balance inspirations and thoughts.
You are trying to find a new way, an opportunity to show yourself. However, you don’t pay enough attention and attention to detail, and that’s why you make the most mistakes. Don’t you understand why you run into obstacles to success? Yet the answer is simple: there is a lot of fear in you. Intuition doesn’t work when you want to control it by force. Be relaxed and inclusive, this secret opens up.
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