The Card You Choose Will Tell You What Changes Will Happen in Your Life
The card that attracts you the most will not only reveal the details of your subconscious mind, but it will also reflect the idealization of the way you live right now.
To begin this test, find a quiet and peaceful place in your home. Breathe calmly, close your eyes, and then look at the cards and choose the one that grabs your attention.
If you chose …
Card no.1
You have a soft and quiet soul and a gentle disposition. You usually feel the pleasure of beauty and feel better when you are surrounded by your favorite objects. Tradition and the past are also important to you.
Something new will soon come into your life, and you will be very happy about these changes. Like flowers in spring, they will soon bloom. Although you are very silent, you will try to make your voice sound more often. It’s time to express how you feel …
Card no.2a
You are enjoying new adventures, new sensations, and new impressions. You are a brave and courageous person. You have a strong personality who does not get carried away with banal words.
You are faithful and trustworthy, and you will never deceive a loved one in your life. The choice of this card shows that you usually enjoy the trials that have fallen out, and you do not care that life is hard. You have always felt that something wonderful awaits you at the end, and you are right.
Keep going up and you won’t be disappointed. Each time, you get closer. Your courage is a source of strength for those around you, but you also have to show them your other side. Everyone needs it.
Card no. 3
You are a very unflappable person. Humble and sincere, it is not easy for you to get out of these boundaries. When you are in pain, you quickly forgive and forget, and even then smile. While others fill their heads with little things, you are in harmony with yourself, singing your favorite songs.
Choosing this card indicates that you have a tipping point. And you will soon be faced with small changes that will lead to better. There are twists and turns in your path, but you are a level-headed person who can handle anything that might happen.
Your calmness, energy, and warmth can help those around you. Teach them not to complicate things that don’t deserve special attention.
Card no. 4
You are a calm and reflective person and your feelings are very deep. You prefer solitude, although you don’t mind good company. Moreover, you are sensitive and compassionate and you walk with sincerity always ahead.
Choosing this letter, you are asking for protection, even though you are used to walking through life alone. Don’t be afraid to move on. Your eyes will get used to the change, and you will eventually find the beauty you deserve.
On the other hand, your personal world is beautiful, so you can invite your closest friends over from time to time. It’s time to start shining …
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