Select A Card – Are You Being Called To Step Outside Of Your Routine?
This week we are called to step outside of our comfy routines and thought processes and keep our minds and hearts open to changes in our routines.
The more flexible we are to changing things up, the more content and pleased we will become with our personal accomplishments, our relationships and our paths.
9 of Wands Reversed
Even though you may feel as if you already are complete with your processes, be prepared to change things up a bit…you will be glad you did. There may be a few do-overs that may surprise you.
6 of Wands Reversed
This card has similar energy as the 9 of Wands. Be flexible, don’t sweat it and remain optimistic as you apply new methods of thinking and doing into your life.
The Hanged Man
It’s finally time to release and let go of the unhealthy and limiting habits, thoughtforms and routines that you know are holding you back from standing in your own power, light, fulfillment and joy. 9 times out of 10 we already have an awareness that we are self sabotaging or that we are limiting our own potential.
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