Pick a Card and Discover What’s Going to Happen in The Near Future
Today we have prepared for you a test fortune telling, which will tell you about your future. You just have to choose the one card you like and read your prediction. Well, let’s start!
Just take a look at the three cards above. Which one calls to you? Try not to overthink it. Just go with your gut reaction. Once you’ve chosen a card, keep reading to find out what your card reveals about your future.
If you have chosen:
Card n.1
You may be surprised by someone’s sudden detachment or some challenges that will arise causing confusion, anxiety, and difficulty making decisions. Prioritize your mental health, control your mind and don’t become a hostage.
Face reality and take care of your life. In love, this card indicates opposite paths for the couple, there are difficulties in respecting the agreements and the objectives are different.
You lack joy in this relationship and your life must take another direction. Think and make no mistake, detachment comes to improve your life. There may be a third-party influence in the relationship.
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Card n.2
You have to choose if you want to overturn it or if you will remain brooding about this pain. This card is the fear of reliving the pain forever, because of the guilt you feel, for your impotent image of yourself, because they made you believe that you couldn’t, the fear of making mistakes and being criticized.
Many fingers pointing at you but they don’t know anything about you! We are what we believe we are. This week take on your thoughts, your choices and, your desires. The more you organize inside, the more life organizes outside.
Card n.3
Concentrate on your ideas, illusions, desires and leave behind everything that weighs, what is no longer useful, what causes pain.
Follow that light on your path that will take you where all the answers are. Forget the attacks, don’t defend yourself anymore, what you believe and feel is stronger than all this. Trust and go on.
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