Discover the Significance of a Special Situation in Your Destiny by Choosing a Rune
The “Situation” or “Three Norns” rune layout is a very powerful classic rune layout that will allow you to comprehensively see a special situation, how it affects life, its secret meaning.
In Scandinavian mythology, the three Norns are goddesses in charge of destiny: past, present, and future. Even the gods were subject to fate. In this scenario, there are only three runes, but this does not make it”weak” or “too simple”.
In order to fulfill it, you need to focus on your current situation and ask a question about its significance in your destiny. Each rune corresponds to one and Norn, one aspect of the situation!
First Rune – Urd (past)
Everything that happens now has its cause in the past. Even if it seems that the event happened suddenly, in fact, it began long ago but manifested itself right now.
This rune indicates the past of the situation, its true cause. This is an important part of the alignment since it will allow you to understand what caused the situation, and in addition, this rune also affects the interpretation of subsequent runes.
It will show you whether you are the cause of the situation or is it something external, could it have been prevented or, on the contrary, consciously attracted or not?
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Second Rune – Verdandi (present)
The present is not always what it seems. Sometimes we see a situation, not at all what it really is. It seems to us that everything has gone to pieces, but in fact, the situation is a great success.
It seems to us that we ourselves are to blame for our troubles – but in fact, this is the result of someone’s betrayal. It seems to us that everything turned out very well, but in fact, your luck is not a gift, but a loan, for which you will have to pay in full.
This rune opens the veil of secrecy, showing the true essence of your situation, it is very important, as it shows how to interpret the rest of the runes.
Third Rune – Skuld (future)
The future is how the situation will be resolved, what it will bring to you in the end. In a sense, this is the most interesting rune – after all, you want to know how the matter will end.
This rune will indicate the result, show what to expect in the future from the situation. When interpreting, it is worth considering the other two runes – after all, depending on the reasons and the true essence of the situation, there will be its result.
Remember that in many ways you yourself determine your future, and therefore you are able to change this future.
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