Discover the Dark Side of Your Personality by Choosing a Card
While many people find this hard to believe, we all have a dark side that we don’t recognize or that we just know how to hide very well, but when they take it off they surprise many people.
Do you have feelings that you hate? Do you do things you are ashamed to talk about? Is there a part of you that you would like to eliminate? Do you want things you hate to acknowledge?
We are all afraid to face our dark side, so this time we will help you with a very simple test to understand your dark side and that of the people around you.
Which card do you choose?
If you have chosen card no. 1
If you have chosen this card, it means that the darkness you have in your life is due to the fact that you blame others for your life, for what has happened to you, for what happens to you. But you still have some lights like the fact that you don’t blame your parents for what’s happening to you. Stop victimizing yourself, as you usually do it out of inertia.
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If you have chosen card no. 2
You have very intellectualized your internal processes, your darkness. Mentally you understand very well everything that happens to you, who you blame, what to heal, what not to do, what to do. But the problem is that you always try to understand them with your head, so you have to lower them to your heart and that darkness will disappear from your life.
Stop looking for an explanation of what you wish to heal, let your heart feel, and light up your life.
If you have chosen card no. 3
The belief that there are “good” and “bad” emotions is the darkness that you find difficult to see. Refusing envy, resentment, anger, hatred, greed, and thinking that they belong only to others and that the “enlightened” or people on another level of consciousness do not feel or have them. Many times we project what is mine into others.
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