Choose a Mountain and Discover Its True Spiritual Power
Your favorite mountain will help you discover how the spirit world manifests itself through you. Choose and discover your power!
If you have chosen:
Mountain # 1
Their spiritual power is empathy and generosity. You may have realized your ability to see the world in a more intense and profound way.
The problems of others and the reality of nature seem to influence you very differently from those around you.
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Mountain # 2
The spiritual power that guides your path is courage. You are a fearless person who is not afraid to look life in the eye and fight with all your might for what you want.
He faces every challenge with great courage and is not afraid of falls, because he knows that they make him even stronger.
Mountain # 3
The spiritual power that manifests through your life is integrity. It may seem that it is everyone’s obligation, but the truth is that the world is missing a lot, and those who have it can lead to great changes and build very strong and prosperous paths for themselves.
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