Choose a Mandala and Get The Guiding Message That It Brings To Your Life Right Now
We can feel the effects of the cosmos not only on an emotional and spiritual level but also on a physical level. Think of it this way, we know that the Moon has the ability to affect the ocean’s tides.
And seeing as we are also made of almost 80 percent water, imagine what effect the Moon is having on us. In the same way, different planets in the sky are capable of activating us on a physical level, either bringing low or high energy, outward energy, or inward energy.
These days things are getting very interesting, right? When things get a little crazy, we may not understand why events are unfolding as they are.
That’s, why we have prepared this test, which is about finding a guiding message for your life, which you will achieve by choosing a mandala.
The influence of the cosmos can be felt both spiritually and emotionally as well as physically. To discover a message that will serve as a guide for your life, you must choose a card with a mandala.
Mandalas are spiritual and ritual symbolic representations of the macrocosm and microcosm, used in Buddhism and Hinduism. We show you three different mandalas, choose one and then read the guide message.
If you chose mandala # 1
Wow! You are about to come to the end of a difficult and exhausting situation… Thank God! As you finish things off within the next two weeks, be sure to put on a High 5 because this recent situation has been amazing.
It is imperative that you reflect on what you have learned about yourself and others during this process because the wisdom gained is really the reason the situation was necessary for you to experience it in the first place.
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If you chose mandala # 2
You have been out of balance in one or more areas of your life. It could be your diet, health routine, recreation at work, or relationship / co-dependency trends just to name a few areas that are driving you crazy.
This mandala suggests that you document your day and how your time passes from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed at night for the next week.
After reviewing your time journal, you will be able to see where your time and energy leaks are. This is a great gift so you can reconcile your time and energy and make the necessary changes.
If you chose mandala # 3
Because of your empathic ability to connect with others on an emotional level, it is so important now and in the future that you reinforce healthy boundaries with others.
Things are really shaking up for many, therefore people are looking for those who care and nurture. The challenge with those who are searching is that they may not be aware that they are drawing energy from others.
They honestly do not intend to do so, however, it is very likely that they are doing it according to those around them.
Spirit suggests that you check yourself frequently and do an inner inquiry wondering if you are giving more than you should. The next step is to establish and maintain healthy boundaries with others.
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