Choose a Card and Get Your Positive Message For Each Day
Sometimes psychologists say that feeling good or bad depends on yourself. This claim is not without controversy, as there are people who think that there are circumstances that do not depend on themselves and can make us feel bad. It is true that many experiences outside of us can shake our mood.
But it is also true that our mind processes every event and that the meaning we give it will not depend on anyone, only and exclusively on ourselves. That’s why today we show you three cards with positive messages.
Choose one and find your positive message
1.- Take a deep breath
“All that worries you about other beings is just a projection of what you have not resolved on yourself” – Buddha
When you feel that you start to get angry or frustrated, take a deep breath several times. This step is important to calm down and do the rest of the steps on this list.
Only by practicing it do you already have an advanced path. Learning to neutralize anger helps counteract the tensions it generates. Neutralize anger and recognize aspects of yourself in others; you can see the frustrations you experienced before in your opponents;
Understanding the negative reactions of others will help you respond with greater compassion and neutralize your tendency to anger.
2.- Unconditional love
“The last lesson we all have to learn is unconditional love, which includes not only others but also ourselves” -Elizabeth Kübler-Ross
It is likely that on your way you will find obstacles and doubts, but with love, dedication and work there will be no limits.
Love is the most powerful and most sensitive force of all. It is the key that opens the doors of heaven. Love overcomes everything, obstacles, and diseases. We all need love, with it we will overcome every burden and find our way.
The first step in developing your ability to express unconditional love is to realize that all people, without exception, deserve to be loved. One way to do this is to practice the following exercise. It is very, very simple. It is simply choosing a person you don’t like too much and spending a few minutes to send all your light and all your love.
You can choose someone from your environment with whom you do not particularly agree (a family member, a colleague, an acquaintance …) or someone you don’t know personally (politicians, public figures …). The important thing is that you choose a person of whom you currently do not have a good image.
Just sit in a quiet place and send light and love. Send hope that everything will be fine for them and their loved ones, but without specifying anything concrete.
The universe will be in charge of helping you find what is truly best for you and for life in general.
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3.-Accept and move on
Accepting things as they are shows your ability to be flexible and adapt to changes. Life is ultimately changing, movement, evolution, and speed.
It is you who must establish the pace at which you walk. To achieve happiness, it is necessary not to stay in the same place for too long. The concept is to make what you’re trying to do flow is to be more aware of what makes us happy.
To be constantly in that state of satisfying and pleasant euphoria. To reach that state of flux, where everything is wonderful and seems out of a story (and the best thing is that it’s real, not a dream),
you need to take on each task as if it were a game. If you think your work is monotonous, use your imagination to have fun, do it in a different way. Invent a technique to enjoy yourself and not be overwhelmed by monotony.
It begins to be more like the water of a river and not that of a pond. This liquid has the ability to take any form, does not know the rigidity, and serves to give life. Walk your paths through valleys, mountains, and woods, avoid obstacles, but never, under no exceptions, stop flowing.
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