An Important Advice in This Difficult Period! Choose Your Card
Choose the card that attracts you the most and discover the advice it has for you in this difficult period.
If you have chosen:
Card n.1
It is important, at this moment, to vibrate hard and not to surrender to the unbridled fear that surrounds us. We need to focus on our goals and desires and continue working on them.
We have to be aware of what’s going on globally, but don’t immerse ourselves so much in the news and events, so we don’t get distracted by what we’re here to achieve.
Recommended: Choose One Card To Reveal Your Darker Side
Card n.2
Even if you don’t feel 100% and want to avoid or others. Seems like you just need a break from it all.
The Angels and their guides are telling you that it is a good time to isolate, meditate and pray because it is necessary to take care of yourself at that moment. You need time to recover and recharge your energy.
Card n.3
Make sure to stay calm and breathe. You are a divine being of love who has done good to the world. You may undergo a transformation, but the archangel’s faith approaches to guide you beyond the limits that your ego or your fears have created.
You could try to find out who you can trust. First of all trust yourself. You are made of love and when you see it you will attract those who reflect that love. Know that the good is here to stay.
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I love these, they seem to shout out at me and are surprisingly accurate. Thank you