What Does Your Lipstick Shape Say About Your Personality? Choose Your Favorite
Lipstick is a makeup essential, that just about every woman owns and wears. Whether you’re a lipstick fanatic or someone who likes to glam up for special occasions only, you will have noticed that with continued use, your lipstick tips always assume the same certain shape.
These shapes vary from woman to woman and according to beauty experts, each shape says something about the wearer’s personality!
Just take a look at the six shapes of lipsticks below. Which one matches up with your own lipsticks the most? Once you’ve found your typical lipstick shape, keep reading to find out what it reveals about you!
Lipstick A
You are creative. He has original thinking and is not afraid to find solutions that may seem unconventional.
When you find yourself in difficult situations in life, use your creative skills to solve problems and all your resources, including friends!
You are magnificent, and this is demonstrated by the way you deal with serious problems in your life!
Lipstick B
You are a very confident person who always tries to be kind.
You are sensitive to how other people feel, and that’s wonderful because it makes you a very understanding person!
However, remember that other people can sometimes use you, be careful with that!
Believe in yourself and you will achieve a lot!
Lipstick C
You have a well-developed intuition! You have confidence in yourself.
Many people tend to give up when they face difficulties, but you are not one of them!
You challenge yourself and face all difficulties and problems!
Recommended: The Shape of Your Lips Can Say a Lot About You
Lipstick D
You are artistic and creative. You believe that people should always be in touch with nature.
You like to meditate and reflect on life.
You are quite an introvert, but you still enjoy the company of others.
Lipstick E
You are a brave, strong, and resistant person!
You are a born leader and use all your leadership qualities, even in everyday life.
For that reason, everyone around you admires and respects you.
Lipstick F
People love you because they can trust you.
When someone tells you a secret, you don’t tell anyone, no matter what!
Try to be as honest as possible. Remember that love is a two-way street!
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